fueling brand
love from
brand love
from within
The Fuel
of modern
brand love
Fueling brand
love at 60
frames a second
Fueling virtual
and immersive
brand love
Fueling brand
love through
Combining technology with experience and entertainment is at the heart of FUEL.
3 years ago we created Vstage, an award-winning virtual and hybrid experience platform that can be fully custom designed to reflect the goals and values of any organisation in need of connecting distributed audiences.
Vstage provides users with multiple stages, chatrooms, photobooths, networking facilities and the ability to fuse in-person and online experiences to create a genuinely hybrid experience. It facilitates both in-person and online interactions and networking between all audience members, which means your in-person and remote experience is the same for every person anywhere in the world.
Hybrid Platform - Employee Experience - Streaming - Metaverse - AR & VR - AI, RFID, Registration sites